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Walnut Coffee Tables

 Legacy Furniture

Beautiful Handmade Creations

Our Services

It’s All in the Details

Cottonwood Table

Hand Crafted Tables

Top Quality Guaranteed

Custom Made Furniture

For Every Need

CNC Machine

Custom CNC Work

Attention to Detail

Our Mission

Legacy Furniture’s mission is more like a promise, an agreement or maybe more like a handshake. We build custom furniture the way it was built one hundred years ago, when building furniture was more about a labor of love than production. I remember going to my grandfather’s home and seeing his tables with countless water rings within arm's length of his favorite chair. I remember his dining table and alcohol cabinet, both made of white oak that had turned brown for a decade of overhead lighting and use. These pieces of furniture now reside in my mother’s home and will then be mine. That furniture that has made it three generations, my question is, where has furniture like this gone? Our promise is to bring back generational pieces of furniture, one piece at a time.

Contact Us

4119 Wayside Ln. Carmichael, CA, USA


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